I love bread and since I'm starting to quite master the craft, I like to change shape, tastes etc. ... I tested this form of sun, I found it quite funny. And then I also add color, it reminds me a blue bread as the boyfriend of my best friend had in his restaurant. Some are quite rétissants to such "fantasies" but hey, it's not every day any more than I do.
My man hesitated a moment, and then finally saw that the bread flavor is there, there's no reason not to eat (Thank you my darling!).

The recipe comes from by Dates and Honey, we laugh not good, mine does not look like hers too but I work out ..
I strongly advise you to follow her recipe, I did exactly the same except that I added a bit of dye. In addition it explains very well, step by step. You can not miss!

I also put Photo of the log that my in-laws did for the first year was a real treat!

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