Since I had seen of the Polentini Mamina , I wanted to redo the polenta. I do not eat very often because I usually prefer the "fried" so very fat. I just associate the polenta with tomato paste and Parmesan. For the sauce, just tomatoes and peppers.
Preparation time: 1hr
Resting time: 2h
Cooking time: 15 minutes

For 24 fried polenta:
- 125g polenta
- 750mL saltwater
- 20g Parmesan
- 1 case of tomato paste
oil - salt
For grout red
- 1 case
tomato paste - 1 / 2 red pepper
1 tomato - 1 cac veal diluted in 1 / 2 cup of water
- water
Make polenta as directed on box. Heat salted water with 1 case of olive oil. Discard the polenta and stir well. Cook the specified time, let rise. When the doneness is reached, add concentrate and parmesan. Add salt if needed. Pour into a cold container and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. When the polenta has cooled and it is harder, the detail into thick chips. Then fry gently for 15 minutes in oil. Pat dry on kitchen paper before serving.

For the coulis, crushed tomatoes, cut the pepper into small dice. Brown them in a pan, add the concentrate and the base, mix well. Add salt if needed. Let it reduce a little. Let cool for us, but can eat it hot.
Dresser in small glasses. Sprinkle with basil and serve.

(I do not know what happened with the photos, but the colors flashing a bit!).
I also wanted to say a big THANK YOU for since the weekend, The blog has surpassed 50,000 visitors! Thank you for your loyalty!
I also wanted to say a big THANK YOU for since the weekend, The blog has surpassed 50,000 visitors! Thank you for your loyalty!
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