Martinique Martinique: Using subdomains or subfolders
This question is asked in the news Webrankinfo: SEO Best Practices: subdomains or directories?
For my part, I decided to use subdomains for the domain name . Subdomains are considered as areas full by most search engines. What was decisive! More concretely, if I decide to create another website that I position on the SEO keywords Martinique. It would suffice to create the subdomain "referencing" that would give Today only 2 areas are considered active:
-annnuaire.en mainly on the keyword directory Martinique
-photos.en mainly on the keyword photo Martinique
But be careful not to abuse it. Create a new subdomain = create new content. Second reading of a domain resolution and routing is done in the following order: extension => DC => subdomain => File => webpage. As you have found the sub-domains comes before the folder.
Here are positives to using subdomains:
* be able to have the keyword in the url referenced.
* A sub-areas would have more weight than a folder on the engines (check point on other domains).
* Easier to register a subdomain as a directory in a directory. As validator website on the directory of Martinique I prefer websites that have a sub-domain.
The "site" on google brings as much profit on a directory a subdomain. What seems logical since a search engine indexes web pages, not website.
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