Patisserie my girlfriend!
The first day of my stay in Japan, I visited the patisserie or my girlfriend at the school of pastry worked with another girlfriend at the school!
This makes the pastry cakes western using traditional Japanese ingredients.
In fact, there are lots of pastries Westerners who do. But all this pastry cakes evoke the flavor of Japan! I find it interesting too. For you, it is not French pastries? The top is made of sponge cake and cream to sugar traditional Japanese "wasanbon.
The left consists of soy powder biscuit (kinako) and whipped cream.
On the right, there is a layer of coffee jelly, pudding and a layer of milk and cream to sugar coat "wasanbon.
All were good!
Especially, cream sugar "wasanbon" I was very attracted. This sugar is intended
normally in the manufacture of Japanese confectionery.
It is manufactured by the sugar cane. Its rate of
rafinnage is low, but its grain is very fine.
It is very expensive and the taste is fine.
Finally, I think it gives the special taste for sweets! It was the first time I see the girlfriend works. She welcomed us as a saleswoman. In Japan, apprentices also play a role pastry vendor. I do not want to work as a salesman, but knowing the customer reaction is interesting and important. In France, I could not tell if the cakes liked customers. If I could hear them say "It was good!" I'd be more motivated.
Pub! In fact, when I came to settle in France, I took the boat to Russia and j 'I crossed the Eurasian continent by train and bus. was my dream as a backpacker. was an unforgettable experience, so I put the memory up a page of my website in Japanese. Although written in Japanese, I present to you anyway. Because this work was long enough, and I find that this experience was rare. (There are also photos!)
Back in Japan! Finally I returned to Japan in less than a week! I am very pleased! In fact, it's been two years since I did not go home! I love life in France but I'm still nostalgic for my family, my friends and the country itself! Unfortunately, I will stay a month! I will use for fun, enjoy myself and spend time with people I love! Super! For the first time we left home our parents, we realize the importance of their terrible lives. Particularly, I feel for my mother. It is a typical Japanese woman, it's hard ... I can not do it! She raised three children, she is good at cooking, cleaning, paperwork and all the preparations of Japanese customs. In addition, she began working with a half-time when we were big enough, and now it is full time, involved in any of his chores! Therefore, I help my mother with household chores, at least when I'm home. But at the same time, I want to enjoy my cuisine! short, j'enprofiterai 100%! I hope to publish some presentations of "entertainment" in Japanese!
My reading: "you again" by Marc Levy Finally,
I finished my reading! I love Marc Levy! I already read all novels except the last (because it is still sold in large size also = high prices is more difficult to read in bed!) and "Seven Days for an Eternity" (because for the first time, my boyfriend s has read me before, and he said it was too complicated to understand for me because of the pun. = This book is in the bookshelf in my room in Japan!) His international bestseller, "And if that were true ..." was my first book in French that I have finished! In fact, two years ago when I was in language school, I had to read this book in class. Many thanks to my teacher (who is also nice)! which made me discover!! From the first meeting, his style really appealed to me. First, it is easy to read even for me. Then the story that makes you want to read in one sitting. Finally, it describes the love and friendship in a pleasant way. way, I am a reader difficult. I am not "novel-phile." Even in Japanese, I do not read nearly as my favorite writer ; Banana Yoshimoto. His novels are written in first person. (This allows me to step into the shoes of main character) She always tells a part of life, dark or sad. History is not gay, but you can see a ray of hope imperceptible. Anyway, I mean there is no common point between my two favorite writers! Except that they are a writer of popular literature? As for the story of "see you", I must say that this is a genuine "if it was true "2. To understand this, it is strongly advised to first read the first! Otherwise, it gave me good" review "the characters interesting! Then of course, the History is always attractive with lots of surprises, humor and love! And now, for you to read!
's it! Thank you for your support first to find my apprentice master. I am finally here to have a signiature my master on my paper pre-registration! Here, So I will work normally from late August in a family bakery as an apprentice! In fact, I am waiting for my real work visa and my real contract! I hope there will be no problem about it! Actually, this cake does not please me 100% ... But the leader remarked to me properly, their products are fairly modern, and there is a daily work list, which can take the initiative! Chief looks nice, but I think he really care about their products ... Too bad. For cons, I can count on an apprentice pastry chef with good motivation, good technique and good personality. Moreover, it was he who set up their modern products arriving at this bakery, two years ago. In fact, he asked the chief to let him go. Because he knew the attitude of the head pastry. And now, he completed his "mission" Thanks to him (and another apprentice motivated), we can now seen beautiful cakes on display. Unfortunately, he will leave the box in October. He said that when he was gone, the products would be replaced ... Because I still can not work freely and I'm not someone to persist my opinion. But he also told me that if I continued to work as he taught me, I could assimilate a good job. Anyway, I did not want to work for another bakery where I did a test, I have no choice. In the current state, I just do my best there. Good sides of the pastry are able to take initiative and be able to watch all the manufacturing process. I'd like to learn the basics of baking and learn to get organized this year. What is the environment where I am, I just have my way with maximum effort.