Sunday, November 19, 2006
Wipers Exercise Muscles
In Japan, we say that it is through the school, family and neighborhood that we teach children discipline.
By living with my boyfriend, I realized that here is not the same thing.
In Japan, students attend school for not only studying math, Japanese, history etc ... but also to cope with life, that is to say
- Learn to take responsibility
- adapt to community life
- be aware of social problems
- understand the functioning of society
- savoir vivre
Since I have discussed that with my buddy who went to a public elementary school, I can perhaps not generalize.
But I still find that there is a big gap between my school and his own.
Me I went to an elementary school "banal". Here
first parties are examples of activities was in my school there are about fifteen years. They will surely amaze
- Every day after lunch each group was cleaning his office by rotation, such as: the classroom, the corridors, courtyard, toilets, gymnasium etc. ...
At the end of each semester was a great place clean: the floor is waxed
course, the teachers were watching us and even helped us.
- It's a little hard to explain but in Japan, from CM1, all students manage a Admnistration which is divided into committees: Health, in charge of elections, environment, sports, events, journalism.
The committee participation was part of the curriculum. Above
committees there are a "representative schools" composed of students elected by other students. A committee
is composed of a chairman, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and normal limbs.
1 time per month each committee meets for one hour to discuss their project.
When the committee representing the school needs, it can meet the chairmen of other committees outside of school hours.
- Once a semester, a course was organized dental hygiene.
product was used to check if students brushed their teeth well.
In addition to the end of every lunch, when children brushed their teeth, they broadcast a video demonstration so that they mimic a good brushing.
- At lunch the classroom turns into a canteen, that we eat in the room with the class teacher. A group of pupils (which changes every week) will look for a food cart in the kitchen of the school and then distributing it in their classroom as a self.
to follow ...
(There are many activities, is nostalgic for me!)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Rotel Pasta Recipe Velveta
When people make me service, I
debts with it, so I have to pay a debt!
Apparently, one says that in France, as in me.
In fact, my boss, I have many debts to pay!
First, I asked him two weeks of leave during the winter holidays (to travel to Morocco!) after having worked only two weeks in the company!
And he accepted.
Second, he taught me the art of sugar work, after work, while this technique is not in degree programs that I prepare.
(So it does not have to teach me)
Third, I have the right to make homemade bread every day, and some Sundays, I get the remaining cakes.
Among others, I feel I have many debts of gratitude to him.
In contrast, I assure a good job.
Is it enough?
In Japan, a person who has served often expecting reward, and to whom it has served wants to reward mere politeness or social obligation.
can say that this is the reward that the Japanese are trying to be nice.
Is it a kindness interested?
Anyway, even if I do not think the boss is like the Japanese, I feel a little ashamed of behaving as if all his attentions to me were normal.
But hey, I just continue to work well and be polite to him.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Nylon Stocking Wearing
Finally, I started my apprenticeship.
It has been three weeks since I work!
So what happens?
In fact, I work in a craft bakery.
There is a boss (pastry), his wife (seller), a skilled baker and seller (Sunday only) and me. (And usually another apprentice pastry chef preparing a degree higher than mine)
Before, I worked in a large box where there was half of pastry.
Therefore, the work was little changed, since each pastry was responsible for a workstation. (For example; desserts, oven, pastries etc. ...).
And now I can do everything!
I think cooking decorating cupcakes, make my own biscuits and foam to mount my own dessert.
My job is much more diverse than before.
(I think that if there was another apprentice, I would not have as much thing alone. On the one hand, it would be interesting to be a fledgling single! But another tiring work too)
And besides, what is interesting here is that I can see the customer.
For now, I can not listen to the voice of customers.
But anyway, I know now buying my cakes!, and which age group of people come to the bakery. (I guess so, but now it becomes reality!)
There, you see what I like image good old days in France.
That is to say, grannies and grandpas to come here every morning to buy bread and chat with the salesperson (the owner). The
greet their boss "tomorrow" instead of "goodbye".
is pretty pathetic.
I think they come here mainly to make small talk with the boss.
In fact, the beginning of a week I worked with another apprentice who likes Baking upscale and modern. (Incidentally, I like it too)
By consequence, as he disliked the traditional pastry and seeks to go further.
But I thought that with these seniors, the modern bakery does not work!
According to him, he should not think either the boss or clients when one wants to move forward.
It has style, because he has the courage to declare.
But it's too extreme for me.
Seeing clients, I will never not think about them. A
'll say I want to see also other things that tradition.
pastry products that are too simple for me.
But I am told that since I am a beginner, he must first find the base.
For a year I will learn in depth the traditional French pastry and then I work in a modern bakery in order to develop my knowledge.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Country Average Breast Size
I returned from a month's holiday in my country! I really enjoyed this
Since this was a good time that I had not seen my girlfriends , I was more or less tense at these reunions. (In spite of contacts over the Internet)
In reality, I got worried for nothing.
Most of my friends have not changed, neither in appearance or character.
We talked about everything and nothing like 2 years ago or more. What was changed is that their surroundings.
They have a new job, new boyfriend, a new apartment etc..
It was very interesting to discover another world they have created while I was building mine in France.
same time, I was a little sad to confirm that we no longer live in the same social milieu.
As I am far from my country and my friends, I feel it more. Although we
as before, I felt an invisible barrier.
As they say " Out of sight, out of mind".
In Japan, it is often said, "We are friends, even if they are far from one and another."
But this is only an appearance.
What a disaster to live abroad.
I opted for my boyfriend and my profession at the expense of my dear friends and my family.
I can not fill those two desires at once!
remains to strive to connect up with them.
I must return to the title.
Shock # 1:
Some girlfriends are ready to resign because of his marriage or pregnancy.
Fortunately, this is not the case with all my friends!
If there are Japanese who impose them, there are Japanese who accept it.
One of my friends told me she would not let her child to nurse.
At this level, I understand.
But then I do not understand what another friend said: "I make housework and I do a little job easier. What a paradise! "
In Japan, women's pleasure (at home) have often focused on their children.
My friends who say these things not currently nor interesting work or career plans.
For them, what they are trying to practice as a profession, it is only a backup job. Unlike them, my friends who came out of "good university" are generally future frames.
For now, they intend to continue working.
But they say why they will work although it is not well seen by her future husband and it is not easy to handle work and family (their children and household chores).
The question they faced was that "This work, is it worth continuing? "
I also wonder if the French are working for themselves or for money? If there is no financial difficulty, they are also ready to quit work?
Shock number 2:
Some girlfriends can not be affectionate to their boyfriends.
As Japan is westernized, even when we see couples kissing in front of public so that there are still couples who can not walk outside to shake hands since ' they feel embarrassed.
was the case with my girlfriends!
It seems they do not show his desire to be tight in the arms of his friend, and they are reluctant to touch him and be cuddly.
What's that!
That shocked me!
I thought when we talked about shyness torque, it was outside.
However, reviewing the Japanese custom, I remember that the Japanese tend to ban physical contact.
We do not touch at all, when people greet between relatives.
Even among family, we do not kiss or you do not shake hands.
According to these habits, the behavior of my girlfriends are still compressive.
Good for my boyfriend that I'm pretty westernized!
To believe him, I am still restricted to the countries where physical contacts are love or intimacy.
Shock # 3:
The Japanese are so careful of his outfit that I felt neglected!! While in France, I am not.
Shock # 4:
The Japanese do too much attention to their rumors.
I knew long ago.
is what I do not like Japan.
They do not behave sincerely, because they often calculate the advantages and disadvantages.
This is not necessarily crafty calculation clever but perhaps too nice.
(NB I wanted to find a word that means someone who is so nice that he does not think about him and that puts aside his interest. I found a translation of Japanese "debonair." But after my boyfriend is not what I mean. If you find a suspicious word, tell me, please!)
A freebie! :
The services are always excellent!
I was really delighted!
It was very nice!
One day I went to renew my driver's license office led to the conduit. The organization was incomparable to that of the French administration.
Once you're there, signs and staff you lead effectively.
And so carefree you can complete the formalities of your needs.
Another example, when a postman comes to you in your absence for a letter or a large parcel, it leaves a paper like the French Post.
But here there is a small difference.
To find your letter or package, you can call a number to set the date and time of redelivery (eg between 9am-10am ...... between 19h-21h). In addition, if you do it before 18h, you can receive the same day.
among others ...
It is not worth the trouble to mention friendly and courteous behavior of sellers and servers. (I can say that it is sometimes "too")
Sunday, July 30, 2006
What Colors Look Good With Walnut

This makes the pastry cakes western using traditional Japanese ingredients.
In fact, there are lots of pastries Westerners who do.
But all this pastry cakes evoke the flavor of Japan!
I find it interesting too.
For you, it is not French pastries?
The top is made of sponge cake and cream to sugar traditional Japanese "wasanbon.
The left consists of soy powder biscuit (kinako) and whipped cream.
On the right, there is a layer of coffee jelly, pudding and a layer of milk and cream to sugar coat "wasanbon.
All were good!
Especially, cream sugar "wasanbon" I was very attracted. This sugar is intended
normally in the manufacture of Japanese confectionery.
It is manufactured by the sugar cane. Its rate of
rafinnage is low, but its grain is very fine.
It is very expensive and the taste is fine.
Finally, I think it gives the special taste for sweets!
It was the first time I see the girlfriend works.
She welcomed us as a saleswoman.
In Japan, apprentices also play a role pastry vendor.
I do not want to work as a salesman, but knowing the customer reaction is interesting and important.
In France, I could not tell if the cakes liked customers.
If I could hear them say "It was good!" I'd be more motivated.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Do Trichomonas Disappear
In fact, when I came to settle in France, I took the boat to Russia and j 'I crossed the Eurasian continent by train and bus.
was my dream as a backpacker.
was an unforgettable experience, so I put the memory up a page of my website in Japanese.
Although written in Japanese, I present to you anyway.
Because this work was long enough, and I find that this experience was rare. (There are also photos!)
Buffy The Body With Pinky
Finally I returned to Japan in less than a week!
I am very pleased!
In fact, it's been two years since I did not go home!
I love life in France but I'm still nostalgic for my family, my friends and the country itself!
Unfortunately, I will stay a month!
I will use for fun, enjoy myself and spend time with people I love!
For the first time we left home our parents, we realize the importance of their terrible lives.
Particularly, I feel for my mother.
It is a typical Japanese woman, it's hard ...
I can not do it!
She raised three children, she is good at cooking, cleaning, paperwork and all the preparations of Japanese customs.
In addition, she began working with a half-time when we were big enough, and now it is full time, involved in any of his chores!
Therefore, I help my mother with household chores, at least when I'm home.
But at the same time, I want to enjoy my cuisine!
short, j'enprofiterai 100%!
I hope to publish some presentations of "entertainment" in Japanese!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Aunt Quotes For Picnik

I love Marc Levy!
I already read all novels except the last (because it is still sold in large size also = high prices is more difficult to read in bed!) and "Seven Days for an Eternity" (because for the first time, my boyfriend s has read me before, and he said it was too complicated to understand for me because of the pun. = This book is in the bookshelf in my room in Japan!)
His international bestseller, "And if that were true ..." was my first book in French that I have finished!
In fact, two years ago when I was in language school, I had to read this book in class.
Many thanks to my teacher (who is also nice)! which made me discover!!
From the first meeting, his style really appealed to me.
First, it is easy to read even for me.
Then the story that makes you want to read in one sitting.
Finally, it describes the love and friendship in a pleasant way.
way, I am a reader difficult.
I am not "novel-phile."
Even in Japanese, I do not read nearly as my favorite writer ; Banana Yoshimoto.
His novels are written in first person.
(This allows me to step into the shoes of main character)
She always tells a part of life, dark or sad.
History is not gay, but you can see a ray of hope imperceptible.
Anyway, I mean there is no common point between my two favorite writers!
Except that they are a writer of popular literature?
As for the story of "see you", I must say that this is a genuine "if it was true "2.
To understand this, it is strongly advised to first read the first!
Otherwise, it gave me good" review "the characters interesting!
Then of course, the History is always attractive with lots of surprises, humor and love!
And now, for you to read!
Sunday, July 2, 2006
Play Pokemon Soul Silver Online Game
Thank you for your support first to find my apprentice master.
I am finally here to have a signiature my master on my paper pre-registration!
Here, So I will work normally from late August in a family bakery as an apprentice!
In fact, I am waiting for my real work visa and my real contract!
I hope there will be no problem about it!
Actually, this cake does not please me 100% ...
But the leader remarked to me properly, their products are fairly modern, and there is a daily work list, which can take the initiative!
Chief looks nice, but I think he really care about their products ...
Too bad.
For cons, I can count on an apprentice pastry chef with good motivation, good technique and good personality.
Moreover, it was he who set up their modern products arriving at this bakery, two years ago.
In fact, he asked the chief to let him go.
Because he knew the attitude of the head pastry.
And now, he completed his "mission"
Thanks to him (and another apprentice motivated), we can now seen beautiful cakes on display.
Unfortunately, he will leave the box in October.
He said that when he was gone, the products would be replaced ...
Because I still can not work freely and I'm not someone to persist my opinion.
But he also told me that if I continued to work as he taught me, I could assimilate a good job.
Anyway, I did not want to work for another bakery where I did a test, I have no choice.
In the current state, I just do my best there.
Good sides of the pastry are able to take initiative and be able to watch all the manufacturing process.
I'd like to learn the basics of baking and learn to get organized this year.
What is the environment where I am, I just have my way with maximum effort.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Sample Letter Of Why I Want To Be A Franchisee
In principle, I like working.
And I hate doing nothing at home.
(I'm not meant to be a housewife like some Japanese)
Also, I searched my master trainer during 1 month (it was not obvious).
Therefore, I was really thirsty work.
Despite all this, now I'm not too keen on going to work.
First, I still can not take the initiative to work while it's been three weeks since I worked in the bakery.
course, since I am a beginner baker and a new employee, it is normal not to have the initiative.
But it's very very tiring to ask, whenever I finish a job that I was loaded, what I do.
course, essential tasks like washing dishes and tidying up, I make them before we wonder.
But that's not enough.
Suddenly, there is a time gap between the end of a task and the start of another task that is entrusted to me.
A pastry before was a little more organized.
There were lists of cake shops which need today.
Besides the cakes, my manager told me what we should prepare for this day.
Every day, I knew roughly what one would do.
So when I did not know what to do, I took the initiative to prepare what we would do afterwards.
Here there is neither a word nor lists of top, I do not know what I'll do that day.
I can not bear to be dependent on someone reluctantly, actually I'm kind of initiative.
Second, there is a relaxed atmosphere too.
This may be a good advantage for someone else but not for me!
I do not like being in a place of work.
Whatever I do the decoration or manufacturing, it tells me all the time " Well done" or "Not bad."
is not possible, I'm not perfect!
I need a board, a reprimand or a comment.
I'm still happy to have been welcomed, however, to further, I not only practice such thing, but we must always try to make sure not to repeat the same mistake as small pastry experienced made me noticed.
The accumulation of these efforts makes me progress.
When I made a remark, although I'm secretly nervous (= hope), I know that these remarks from my superiors play a vital role in my progress.
Unlike the pastry before, I feel I have no time constraints, no finesse, or speed, nor the hygiene etc. ...
Before, it was hard but a certain tension phychologic gave me the strength to work.
There is already routine.
I'm too relaxed, as if I was home, tired of doing nothing.
(Since I have a lot of time waiting!)
Frankly, I prefer to work in depth by being stressed and just feel tired after work, rather than being tired for the job without stress (I can say it's more stressful!).
And finally, I can not love the products I did.
is serious.
One day, my in-laws asked me if their cakes are good.
I said, "No, I do not even try"
After delivering this phase without thinking, I was very ashamed ...
is too bad that I said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But hey, it's reality.
their ingredients, how they work and their health gives me no desire to eat.
Obviously, I am seriously demotivating.
Basically, I make cakes to make customers happy.
It's a pastry chef!
a matter of duty, I try to decorate the finest possible, manufactured with the greatest possible care.
short, I decided from that box.
The problem is that I can not tell the boss what I just described, and I have to find another master.
Deeply the end of this contract!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Christmas Swags Hoemmade
Yesterday was the anniversary of my father.
He sent me a message on my card in exchange for him.
Basically, he said he realized that my sisters thought I was seeing them as a model have goals in life, like me.
It's a little indifferent when father his children forever.
And it leaves us free.
I prefer to be free being overprotected.
I have my freedom, but instead I have my responsibility for my good life.
It does not give too much advice or support or comments.
However, there is pressure on me as well.
is a weight that gives me strength.
I can not disappoint.
Because trust me.
By cons, my mother, she is a little different than him.
It is not indifferent when her children.
She supports me and worries me.
But the crucial point is the same as that of my father.
She trusts me. It
think my way is correct, since it was I who chose it.
I am coming to France to learn French pastry.
So I'm supposed to move towards the future in depth.
Starting tomorrow, I start work in a bakery.
Good luck to me!