Some photos courtesy of Hurricane Dean
View of Hurricane on Guadeloupe and Martinique

winds of Hurricane Dean have been devastating

Beach Lagoon during Hurricane DEAN

Like everyone I have not escaped the hurricane Dean. The cyclone destroyed much of the flora Martinquaise. Almost all trees, coconut palms ... were torn, uprooted. Martinique has a sad face, but the people did not leave Martinique abbatre. We were largely supportive and I am proud. See neighboring conflict each other for years, young people with their knives and saws offer help it warms my heart. Here are some pictures taken Saturday, August 18 early morning:
The banana sector has been hit 100%:
The downtown Fort-de-France
The Simon Point in Fort-de-France
Bellevue in Fort-de-France
We will see two aspects of the source code of your web pages : visible content and content invistible . Here are some keyboard shortcuts that let you view the source code of your web pages from web browser ; Mozilla Firefox press CTRL + U, as Opera: CTRL + F3 in Internet Explorer click View and then Source. Tags "<>" will be replaced by "(tags)"
Content visible
(title) Your title (/ title): Displays the title of the web page very important to optimize your pages. Do not put a string of keywords but a real title.
Maximum number of characters: 100
Example: (title) SEO Guadeloupe (/ title):
Text: This contains all the text visible to a user on the web page . Wherever possible it is necessary to insert keywords. This brings us to the keyword density. Which will be higher the more you are likely to be well indexed against these keywords .
Example of Calculation of keyword density for a 300 word (threshold reactivity of a search engine) containing 5 keywords repeated 6 times.
100 * (5 * 6) / 300 = 10% keyword density
recommended: 10 to 15%
Fitness: Think showcase your content! For that use HTML formatting for your keywords: (b) bold (/ b) (i) Italic (/ i) (u) underlined (/ u)
Organize your text to is more readable by users and robots, using the heading tags:
(h1) (h2 )...(/ h1) (/ h2)
Sample content: "
Located in French Antilles, Guadeloupe the is a department overseas connected to France. In this beautiful island we find many SEOs referencing various fields
I know of no pure SEO. I mean, before we come into SEO for most IT professions. In my case I actually have a profile network administrator, web designer, webmaster. This allows me to quickly understand the source code of web pages ... In any case the referrer Guadeloupe has many tools:
The result will be that the next issue ... it's late ... Bonwsé all ' moun (Hello everyone)
These are the two keywords that I want to position myself. Other keywords: SEO Guadeloupe and SEO Guiana are not a priority, however we can report the position of the last key words cited in 2nd page ranking: 1 or at the 11th position. Typically a user stops to see the second page third page when searching. What is not so serious because the theory of the golden triangle it is better to position themselves in a rank equal to 1 only 10 ... I'll tell you more in my next post.
soon dear readers (including the sao Pixell team ...)